Harnessing the great potential of

neuroscience for personal and social change

About the Sagol Center for Brain and Mind

  • We believe that understanding how the brain works has tremendous potential for creating personal and social change
  • Our researchers are leading innovative research in the fields of brain resilience and social neuroscience
  • We disseminate up-to-date knowledge about the brain to therapists, educators, and policymakers, as well as develop and distribute mindfulness-based mental training programs that support resilience and encourage mental well-being and flourishing.
  • We work to create social change in Israel by training a critical mass of change agents and encouraging the creation of similar models for social change in the Middle East

Our vision is to harness the great potential of neuroscience for personal and social change. Our message: We can strengthen brain networks that support positive and healthy qualities thereby influencing our lives, our health and the society in which we live.